Greetings to our American friends
We are finally back at work. We finally met our loved artisans. We missed everything about our factory. We missed the smell of the wood, the smile of our cabinetmaker Franco who spent so much time with us there… we even missed the noise of the machineries. Elekta factory is located in Sorrento, Southern Italy and Coronavirus doesn’t seem so bad and violent lately. We are deeply sorry for USA. There is a special connection with America. American families are so similar to us, so friendly and joyful.
Today I read some news in The New York Times about Coronavirus finding out that more than 1,354,300 people in the United States have been infected with the coronavirus and at least 80,600 have died, according to a New York Times database.
Stay-at-home orders remain in effect in many states, Americans have been told to wear face coverings in public and true normalcy remains a distant vision.
Please do it! It really helps!
Hope to hear positive news very soon. God bless you.
Un grande abbraccio dall’Italia.
Elekta’s team.